Equine Acupuncture Services
Rebecca Gengasamy, who is one of our clinical directors, is trained in a combination of Western and Chinese acupuncture, which she uses alongside conventional veterinary medicine to help treat horses, where appropriate.
Equine veterinary acupuncture is commonly used as part of treatment for the relief of musculoskeletal pain, particularly back pain. It is reported as especially useful for treating:
Muscular soreness, particularly of the neck, shoulders, back and hindquarters.
Arthritis – any chronic joint pains which often have associated muscle pain.
Sacroiliac pain.
By law, acupuncture can only be performed by a qualified veterinary surgeon that has undergone special training in the technique.
This is because the placement of the needles classifies it as an act of veterinary surgery, and it requires a thorough knowledge of veterinary anatomy and physiology.